
SWIFT Success

Original price was: R395.00.Current price is: R335.00.

Book Swift Success Mindset

Author Tony Dovale of

A Life-time of wisdom distilled down into actionalble, simple steps  and WISDOMS for thriving and rewiring your mindset in tough times.





SWIFT Success Mindset – Book

Why you need a Success Activator?

We all want success. But our present MINDSET prevents us from taking the required actions to accomplish it. So we go to the “experts” who push their answers. It’s not lack of information… it’s your MINDSET!

Mindset: Your beliefs, values, expectations and habits of thinking and feeling that directly control your viewpoint, disposition and pre-conceived ideas about possible outcomes, interpretations and reactions, i.e., feelings, thoughts, actions and RESULTS.

You possibly have been lied to by every self-help guru or self-development system you’ve ever trusted. It’s time for the truth to set you free and put you on the genuine path to SWIFT heart success. We need more savvy, smart and successful role models who are truly wealthy.

It’s not a guru’s method you need to be successful; it’s your MINDSET and HEARTSET that you need to upgrade if you are to truly transform your life. This book contains potent tools designed to help you, entrepreneurs and leaders, to improve your mindset and thinking, to become truly successful in every area of life and businesses.

It will reveal how you can build a game-changing, winning mindset to become seven times more valuable in the business marketplace, and ensure your success, peace and happiness. When leading a high-performance life, team or business, mindset trumps skillset every time. Skillset value is short-lived and transactional; mindset value is life-long and transformational.

I’ve spent over 30+ years preparing this mindset/heartset wisdom into a simple process that you can use to upgrade your mental software, transform your mindset, lift your leadership and create real and sustainable SWIFT success that honours your CORE values.

I’ve struggled with many of the same things you’ve struggled with—fear, uncertainty, lack of focus, distraction, low self-esteem and poor self-confidence. I understand where you are. I’ve been there.

I share this life-transforming information and my LifeShift methods so you can begin to transform all areas of your life. These are simple steps to enable you to build a new heart/mindset that will allow you to overcome stress, stuckness, procrastination and fear, and help you prevail against the odds to become a positive, proactive SWIFT Success Gladiator.

Today is the day you accelerate your self-mastery beyond what you have ever considered realistic, reasonable or likely. This is your first SPARK in becoming fully ACTIVATED. This is your ticket to the fast track, to building your winner’s MINDSET and the start of developing greater Psychological CAPITAL and psychological ASSETS to transform every area of your life forever.

Your heart/mindset impacts everything you think, feel, see, say and do. Let the transformation begin… if you are serious about REAL success in  every area of your life.  083-447-6300