
CLEARx Mindset Readiness Overview

Original price was: R595.00.Current price is: R495.00.

Formula Won – Business Changing Tools – CLEAR Profits- Mindset Mastery & READINESS

Growth Oriented Mindsets, Attitudes, Energy, Psychological Capital

– Understand the top 5 Component of High Performance Teams.

  1. Culture:Constructive, Context, Transparent & Teamwork
  2. Leadership:Conscious, Effectiveness, Accelerate Development
  3. Engagement:Happiness, Flourishing, Thriving and Well-being
  4. Appreciative Action:Mindsets, Collaborative, Sustainable, Positive
  5. Readiness:Mindset, Psychological Capital, Learning & Development

Develop your People and teams to grow your Business to become  high performance, bullet-proof organisation.


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Formula WON – CLEARx System High Performance Mindset READINESS

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