LifeShift GO Mindset Manual
LifeShift Formula WON GO Mindset Home Study Manual
25 Page – LifeShift Success Ensurance Home Study Manual (Companion to Formula WON Foundation Kit
Our REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE; People, Planet & Profits Optimisation Process, created over 38+ years, delivers amazing long-lasting results and benefits because we get to the heart of what matters most.
Level #1: Mind-GROW-Tainment: Develop Staff Psychological Capital
We truly care about people, so we provide potent, proven, self-development and self-mastery processes and tools to equip each individual to optimise their Growth-Oriented MINDSET; mindfulness, thinking and feeling. We reduce LEARNED-HELPLESSNESS, rebuild Bullet-proof Mindsets and assist people to activate and achieve their full potential.
Note: Professor Paul Stoltz is the originator of AQ/Resilience: I spent time with him as part of my ISPI (International Society Performance Improvement) work in the USA.
Participants get to become more conscious, aware and RESPONSE-ABLE. Our assessments provided personal insights, understanding, and establish a positive foundation to begin to rewire, rethink and re-ennergise more MEANING, MASTERY and HAPPINESS into the individual. This builds vital and valuable Psychological Capital, and creates greater capacity and propensity to perform better in a sustainable and satisfying process. Mindset is the core FOUNDATION to ensure greatest use of people potential.
Level #2: Team-FLOW-Tainment: High Performance Teamwork
In biology, about 6% of a system CONTROLS the entire system. This means a few people can have LARGE impacts on energy, engagement, performance, mindsets, attitudes, culture and results.
To transform your team culture and rebuild positive team spirit and performance, we build a foundation and context of increased TRUST, CONNECTION, CAPACITY, COMMUNICATION and COMMITMENT This builds positive TEAMWORKING within a more effective and supportive context and CULTURE. This empowers improved relationships, reality-handling, resilient mindset readiness and robust execution.
Our assessments reveal stressors, stumbling blocks, Social Networks & influence. We reveal opportunities for optimizing leadership/ management, and creating a high-performance team that delivers optimal results within the prevailing culture and circumstances, constraints and constructs.
Level #3: Leader-SHIFT-ainment: Limitless Likeable Leadership
Research shows that leadership and management can have up to around 60% impact on organisational bottom-line results. It also reveals that 72% of “Leaders” ARE NOT LEADERS. Staff engagement levels are directly tied to leadership /management Styles and effectiveness. Around 60% of staff are open to looking for a new workplace with better leadership (i.e. Looking for a new job). With Neuro Leadership, Tribal Leadership, Higher-Ground leadership and LEAN principles – Likeable and CLEAR leadership effectiveness is optimised on all levels to ensure greater value and impact.
Level #4: Culture-CLEAR-Tainment: CLEAR Culture enables Exponential Results & Execution
Culture is the “air” your staff breathe. It’s the absolute controller of productivity and sustainable performance. It must be CLEAR…Because sustainable positive change, improvement and optimisation, requires, and is so dependent upon, the 6 core aspects of REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE High Performance process. Thus, all the CLEARx factors must be part of the exponential results Culture & teamwork transformation activities. This also means that, all personal, team, business development processes, must translate into meaningful value, and benefits, for all participants and stakeholders.
We have clients who have 2x to 4x’d their business results by following our REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE CLEARx Optimisation process. This means the Strategic INVESTMENT you make into the individuals, and teams, can deliver direct triple bottom line impacts. This also provides staff with potent resources and contexts, to enhance their own resourcefulness and value that contributes to greater resilience, agility, flexibility and well-being in your workplace.
In today’s highly challenging times, Culture, leadership and effective management play a large roll in achieving desired performance. This, with High-Performance CAPABLE people, and a positive workplace culture, can catalyze into a potent, resilient, high-performance TEAM that delivers outstanding results. In an ever changing workplace, Culture is the hardest to positively change.
For the REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE to become a reality, it’ vital that it is approached as a People-first PROCESS, and not an EVENT. Motivational team games etc, impacts never last, and are not a viable panacea for all issues. People with the right Growth-Oriented mindsets have been shown to be up to 7x more valuable than people with fixed mindsets.
Leaders with the requisite GO mindset qualities have been shown to be up to 8.4x more valuable and effective. Resilient People make Resilient Teams, which make thriving, resilient and REVOLUTIONARY companies. You can trust us to develop potent people and teams who deliver outstanding results… Skills matter… BUT MINDSET MATTERS MUCH MORE.
The LifeShift Formula WON GO Mindset Home Study Manual
25 Page - LifeShift Success Ensurance Home Study Manual (Companion to Formula WON Foundation Kit
Revolutionary Workplace – Manual
From Happiness to High performance. the proven philosophy, framework and system to optimise your People, Teams, Leadership and Culture to thrive and flourish in VUCA tough times and the Fourth Industrial Revolution.